tools.helpers.data_manager package


tools.helpers.data_manager.data_loader module

Functions to load CSV and Excel files to dataframes.

tools.helpers.data_manager.data_loader.read_data_file(path=None, config_dict=None, config_key=None, date_columns=None, sheet_name=0, check_path=False, ask_header=False, behaviour_on_error='error', open_file_kwargs=None, read_kwargs=None, to_datetime_kwargs=None)

Returns a dataframe with the content of the selected CSV or Excel file.

  • path – file path. Must be CSV or Excel file (to be checked before with ‘open_file’ function).

  • config_dict – dictionary-like object containing the configuration

  • config_key – key of config_dict to get path (replaces path argument)

  • date_columns – column or list of columns to format as datetime

  • sheet_name – name or index of the Excel sheet (not used for CSV)

  • check_path – if True, use open_file to check path

  • ask_header – if True and key ‘header’ is not in read_kwargs, ask whether the file has a header or not and update read_kwargs[‘header’] to 0 or None.

  • behaviour_on_error – ‘error’ (default): raise an error, ‘ignore’: return None

  • open_file_kwargs – kwargs for open_file function ONLY.

  • read_kwargs – kwargs for read functions pd.read_excel ONLY. # can evolve in the future

  • to_datetime_kwargs – kwargs for pd.to_datetime function ONLY.


tools.helpers.data_manager.data_writer module

Functions to export data files to Excel or images to PowerPoint.

tools.helpers.data_manager.data_writer.export_img_to_powerpoint(img_paths, output_path=None)

Export images to a PowerPoint presentation.

  • img_paths – list of images to save in PowerPoint slides

  • output_path – path to save output file



tools.helpers.data_manager.data_writer.save_excel_file(path, dataframes, sheet_names=None, extension='.xlsx', check_path=False, to_excel_kwargs=None, **options)

Write dataframes to disk.

  • path – Excel file path (to be checked before with ‘save_file’ function).

  • dataframes – dataframe or list of dataframes

  • sheet_names – sheet name or ordered list of sheet names

  • extension – Excel file extension

  • check_path – check path with save_file

  • to_excel_kwargs – keyword arguments for _write_excel function

  • options – options for save_file function



tools.helpers.data_manager.file_utils module

Utils linked to files.

tools.helpers.data_manager.file_utils.add_file_extension(path: str, extension=None, replace=False, keep_existing=False, force_add=False) → tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path

Add a specific extension to ‘path’.

  • path – path

  • extension – extension. None is considered as ‘’ extension

  • replace – replace instead of append extension

  • keep_existing – add extension only if it doesn’t already exist

  • force_add – add extension even if the correct extension already exists (not recommended)

:return Path object

tools.helpers.data_manager.file_utils.check_extension(path: Union[tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path, list, tuple, set], extension=None, filetype=None, check_ext='ignore') → bool

Check extension of path or collection of paths which must arg ‘extension’ or extension linked to ‘filetype’, unless they are None

tools.helpers.data_manager.file_utils.check_path_arguments(path: str, config_dict: Dict, config_key: str) → str

User should use either ‘path’ or ‘config_dict’ and ‘config_key’ arguments to indicate a path.

tools.helpers.data_manager.file_utils.choose_filedialog(dialog_type: str, multiple_paths: bool = False, return_on_cancellation: str = None, behavior_on_cancellation: str = 'ignore', initialdir: str = None, filetypes: list = None, title: str = None, **kwargs) → Union[tuple, tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path]

Open a filedialog window.

tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager module

Functions to select and validate file or directory paths.

tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.handle_bad_extension_error(err, func, path, args=None, kwargs=None, pos_path=0, key_path=None, change_path_func=<function save_file>, title='', msg='', extension=None)

extension: default extension to add to the path. If None, nothing is changed

tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.handle_file_error(err, func, path, args=None, kwargs=None, pos_path=0, key_path=None, change_path_func=<function save_file>, title='', msg='', return_if_ignore=None)

If PermissionError when opening/saving file, propose to retry, change file path or cancel

  • err – exception

  • func – function to execute if the user wants to retry

  • path – file path

  • args – args to pass to func

  • kwargs – kwargs to pass to func

  • pos_path – position of the positional argument path in func (only if key_path is None)

  • key_path – name of the keyword argument path in func (if None, positional argument is used)

  • change_path_func – function to get a new path, with no positional argument and ‘initialdir’ keyword argument

  • title – title of the error

  • msg – message of the error

  • return_if_ignore – return if Ignore option is selected


tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.handle_file_not_found_error(err, func, path, args=None, kwargs=None, pos_path=0, key_path=None, change_path_func=<function save_file>, title='', msg='')
tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.handle_permission_error(err, func, path, args=None, kwargs=None, pos_path=0, key_path=None, change_path_func=<function save_file>, title='', msg='', handle_read_only_error=False)

handle_read_only_error: True to handle the case of a read-only file: the function tries to make the file writable.

tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.open_dir(*args, **kwargs) → Union[tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path, tools.helpers.models.path_models.PathCollection]

Check path and open file dialog(s) to select directory(ies) if needed.

>>> dir1 = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> open_dir(dir1).filename
Path: data_manager
>>> open_dir(None, ask_path=False)
Path: None
>>> open_dir([dir1, dir1, None], multiple_paths=True, ask_path=False).filename
[Path: data_manager, Path: data_manager, Path: ]
tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.open_file(*args, **kwargs) → Union[tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path, tools.helpers.models.path_models.PathCollection]

Check path and open file dialog(s) to select file(s) if needed.

>>> open_file(__file__).filename
>>> open_file(None, ask_path=False)
Path: None
>>> open_file([__file__, __file__, None], multiple_paths=True, ask_path=False).filename
[Path:, Path:, Path: ]
tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.open_file_or_dir(path: Union[str, list, tuple, set] = None, config_dict=None, config_key=None, multiple_paths=False, return_on_cancellation: str = None, behavior_on_cancellation='warning', filetype=None, extension=None, check_ext='ignore', ask_path=True, path_type='file', **kwargs) → Union[tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path, tools.helpers.models.path_models.PathCollection]

Check path and open file dialogs if needed.

  • path – path to check. If path is None, a file dialog is opened to choose path, unless ‘ask_path’ is False

  • config_dict – instead of path, use config_dict and config_key. path will be set to config_dict[config_key]

  • config_key – instead of path, use config_dict and config_key. path will be set to config_dict[config_key]

  • multiple_paths – if True, multiple files are allowed and returned as PathCollection (instead of Path)

  • return_on_cancellation – return on user cancellation. Default: Path(None) (highly recommended)

  • behavior_on_cancellation – error flag used to raise anomaly ‘raise_no_file_selected_anomaly’ on cancellation . Must be ‘ask’, ‘ignore’, ‘warning’, or ‘error’.

  • filetype – filetype in FILETYPE_TO_FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES keys. If filetype is None, extension is not checked.

  • extension – final extension to check. If extension is None, extension is not checked.

  • check_ext – error flag used to raise anomaly ‘raise_bad_extension_anomaly’

  • ask_path – if True and path is None, ask path to the user

  • path_type – ‘file’ or ‘dir’. ‘file by default

  • kwargs – keywords arguments for filedialog methods, such as ‘title’, ‘message’, ‘filetypes’, etc.


path or collection of paths

tools.helpers.data_manager.filepath_manager.save_file(path: str = None, config_dict=None, config_key=None, return_on_cancellation=Path: None, behavior_on_cancellation='warning', auto_mkdir=True, extension=None, replace_ext=False, filetype=None, overwrite='ask', backup=False, **kwargs) → tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path

Check the path to save a file.

param path

path or None

param config_dict

dictionary-like object containing the configuration

param config_key

key of config_dict to get path (replaces path argument)



return on user cancellation. Default: Path(None) (highly recommended) :param behavior_on_cancellation: error flag used to raise anomaly ‘raise_no_file_selected_anomaly’ on cancellation .

Must be ‘ask’, ‘ignore’, ‘warning’, or ‘error’.

param auto_mkdir

if True, try to create output directories if they don’t exist

param filetype

filetype in FILETYPE_TO_FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES keys. If filetype is None, extension is not checked.

param extension

final extension to check. If extension is None, extension is not checked.

param replace_ext

if True, replaces extension instead of adding one

param overwrite

bool or flag ‘ask’, ‘rename’, ‘ignore’, ‘overwrite’, used in case file already exists

param backup

bool, used in case file already exists

param kwargs

for filedialog



tools.helpers.data_manager.plots module

Functions to save graphs.

tools.helpers.data_manager.plots.save_error_graph(plot_path, err_msg=None, **save_file_kwargs)
tools.helpers.data_manager.plots.save_plot(plot_path, overwrite='overwrite', **save_file_kwargs)

Module contents

Data manager

Provides high level function to check paths, open and read data files

  • file_utils: various functions

  • filepath_manager: functions to check paths, using file dialogs

  • data_loader: functions to open files: CSV or Excel

  • date_writer: functions to write files: Excel or PowerPoint

  • plots: functions to create simple plots

Imports: logger, utils, models, interface ——————————————–

| | |

v v v v

file_utils –> filepath_manager –> data_loader

|-> data_writer

tools.helpers.data_manager.open_file(*args, **kwargs) → Union[tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path, tools.helpers.models.path_models.PathCollection]

Check path and open file dialog(s) to select file(s) if needed.

>>> open_file(__file__).filename
>>> open_file(None, ask_path=False)
Path: None
>>> open_file([__file__, __file__, None], multiple_paths=True, ask_path=False).filename
[Path:, Path:, Path: ]
tools.helpers.data_manager.open_dir(*args, **kwargs) → Union[tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path, tools.helpers.models.path_models.PathCollection]

Check path and open file dialog(s) to select directory(ies) if needed.

>>> dir1 = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> open_dir(dir1).filename
Path: data_manager
>>> open_dir(None, ask_path=False)
Path: None
>>> open_dir([dir1, dir1, None], multiple_paths=True, ask_path=False).filename
[Path: data_manager, Path: data_manager, Path: ]
tools.helpers.data_manager.save_file(path: str = None, config_dict=None, config_key=None, return_on_cancellation=Path: None, behavior_on_cancellation='warning', auto_mkdir=True, extension=None, replace_ext=False, filetype=None, overwrite='ask', backup=False, **kwargs) → tools.helpers.models.path_models.Path

Check the path to save a file.

param path

path or None

param config_dict

dictionary-like object containing the configuration

param config_key

key of config_dict to get path (replaces path argument)



return on user cancellation. Default: Path(None) (highly recommended) :param behavior_on_cancellation: error flag used to raise anomaly ‘raise_no_file_selected_anomaly’ on cancellation .

Must be ‘ask’, ‘ignore’, ‘warning’, or ‘error’.

param auto_mkdir

if True, try to create output directories if they don’t exist

param filetype

filetype in FILETYPE_TO_FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES keys. If filetype is None, extension is not checked.

param extension

final extension to check. If extension is None, extension is not checked.

param replace_ext

if True, replaces extension instead of adding one

param overwrite

bool or flag ‘ask’, ‘rename’, ‘ignore’, ‘overwrite’, used in case file already exists

param backup

bool, used in case file already exists

param kwargs

for filedialog



tools.helpers.data_manager.read_data_file(path=None, config_dict=None, config_key=None, date_columns=None, sheet_name=0, check_path=False, ask_header=False, behaviour_on_error='error', open_file_kwargs=None, read_kwargs=None, to_datetime_kwargs=None)

Returns a dataframe with the content of the selected CSV or Excel file.

  • path – file path. Must be CSV or Excel file (to be checked before with ‘open_file’ function).

  • config_dict – dictionary-like object containing the configuration

  • config_key – key of config_dict to get path (replaces path argument)

  • date_columns – column or list of columns to format as datetime

  • sheet_name – name or index of the Excel sheet (not used for CSV)

  • check_path – if True, use open_file to check path

  • ask_header – if True and key ‘header’ is not in read_kwargs, ask whether the file has a header or not and update read_kwargs[‘header’] to 0 or None.

  • behaviour_on_error – ‘error’ (default): raise an error, ‘ignore’: return None

  • open_file_kwargs – kwargs for open_file function ONLY.

  • read_kwargs – kwargs for read functions pd.read_excel ONLY. # can evolve in the future

  • to_datetime_kwargs – kwargs for pd.to_datetime function ONLY.


tools.helpers.data_manager.save_excel_file(path, dataframes, sheet_names=None, extension='.xlsx', check_path=False, to_excel_kwargs=None, **options)

Write dataframes to disk.

  • path – Excel file path (to be checked before with ‘save_file’ function).

  • dataframes – dataframe or list of dataframes

  • sheet_names – sheet name or ordered list of sheet names

  • extension – Excel file extension

  • check_path – check path with save_file

  • to_excel_kwargs – keyword arguments for _write_excel function

  • options – options for save_file function



tools.helpers.data_manager.export_img_to_powerpoint(img_paths, output_path=None)

Export images to a PowerPoint presentation.

  • img_paths – list of images to save in PowerPoint slides

  • output_path – path to save output file



tools.helpers.data_manager.save_plot(plot_path, overwrite='overwrite', **save_file_kwargs)
tools.helpers.data_manager.save_error_graph(plot_path, err_msg=None, **save_file_kwargs)