tools.helpers.config_manager package


tools.helpers.config_manager.config_conversion module

Functions to load/save configuration with typed values.

tools.helpers.config_manager.config_conversion.convert_dict_from_str(dico, allow_multiple=True, error='ignore', drop_none=False, drop_empty_iterable=False, ascendant=False, no_flag='ignore', inplace=False, duplicates='first', **parser_cfg)

Convert a dict of str (generated from a file for example) to a typed dict. Simple types that can be recognised: str, bool, int, float, list, tuple. Custom classes: Reference, Path Advanced types (with ‘auto’ flag): expressions with dict, set, bytes, None and simple types.

  • dico – dictionary-like object to convert with keys and values of type ‘str’.

  • allow_multiple – if True, multiple flags are allowed (applied from left to right)

  • error – behavior on casting error. Possible values: ‘ignore’ (returns the initial string), ‘drop’ (returns None), ‘error’ (raise an error if casting fails), ‘auto-conversion’ (try to convert automatically; if it fails, returns the initial string)

  • drop_none – if True, None values are dropped

  • drop_empty_iterable – if True, empty iterable objects (list, tuple) are dropped

  • ascendant – if True, the flags are applied from the last to the first

  • no_flag – behavior if no flag found. ‘ignore’, ‘error’, ‘drop’, ‘auto-conversion’

  • inplace – returns dico inplace

  • duplicates – behavior if duplicates found. ‘drop’, ‘first’, ‘last’, ‘error’.

  • parser_cfg – kwargs for _parse_key function


dictionary-like object (same type as ‘dico’)

# Simple test

>>> test_dict = {"a": "without_flag", "@i-b": "1", "@f-c": "9.2", "@b-d": "", "@b-e": "5",  "@b-f": "False"}
>>> convert_dict_from_str(test_dict)
{'a': 'without_flag', 'b': 1, 'c': 9.2, 'd': False, 'e': True, 'f': False}

# Numbers test

>>> num_dict = {"@f-d1": "1.6", "@i-d2": "1.7", "@f-@i-d3": "1.8", "@i-@f-d4": "1.9", "d5": 2.0, "@ftwsdc-d6": "2 252,9"}
>>> convert_dict_from_str(num_dict)
{'d1': 1.6, 'd2': '1.7', 'd3': 1, 'd4': 1.9, 'd5': 2.0, 'd6': 2252.9}

# Duplicates handling test

>>> dup_dict = OrderedDict([("@s-overwritten", "value1"), ("overwritten", "value2"), ("@auto-overwritten", "value3")])
>>> convert_dict_from_str(dup_dict, duplicates='rename')
OrderedDict([('overwritten', 'value1'), ('overwritten_1', 'value2'), ('overwritten_2', 'value3')])
>>> convert_dict_from_str(dup_dict, duplicates='first')
OrderedDict([('overwritten', 'value1')])
>>> convert_dict_from_str(dup_dict, duplicates='last')
OrderedDict([('overwritten', 'value3')])

# Date test

>>> date_dict = {"@date-date": "2019-04-01", "@date-date2": "04-13-2018", "@date-date3": "13/04/2018"}
>>> convert_dict_from_str(date_dict)
{'date': Timestamp('2019-04-01 00:00:00'), 'date2': Timestamp('2018-04-13 00:00:00'), 'date3': Timestamp('2018-04-13 00:00:00')}
>>> date_special_dict = {"@date-date_std": "04/11/2018", "@datedb-date_day_before": "04/11/2018"}
>>> convert_dict_from_str(date_special_dict)
{'date_std': Timestamp('2018-04-11 00:00:00'), 'date_day_before': Timestamp('2018-11-04 00:00:00')}

# List test

>>> list_dict = {"@auto-list1": "[18, 13]", "@l-list2": "[19, 13]", "@auto-list3": "[{(18, 13): 'a'}, 'end']"}
>>> convert_dict_from_str(list_dict)
{'list1': [18, 13], 'list2': ['19', '13'], 'list3': [{(18, 13): 'a'}, 'end']}

# Auto conversion test

>>> auto_dict = {"a": "True", "b": "False", "c": "None", "d": "[{(18, 13): 'a'}, 'end']", "e": '9.9', "f": 9.9}
>>> convert_dict_from_str(auto_dict, no_flag="auto-conversion")
{'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': None, 'd': [{(18, 13): 'a'}, 'end'], 'e': 9.9, 'f': 9.9}
tools.helpers.config_manager.config_conversion.convert_dict_to_str(dico, auto=True, inplace=False)

Convert a dico (dictionary-like object) to make it writable to a file as text and easily loadable with the previous types, using convert_dict_from_str function.

  • dico – dictionary-like object to convert. Flags are added to keys and values are casted to str.

  • auto – if True, keys corresponding to complex objects get the flag ‘auto’

  • inplace – modify dico itself


dictionary-like object (same type as ‘dico’)

>>> dico = {'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': None, 'd': [{(18, 3.1): 'a'}, 'end'], 'e': 9.9}
>>> convert_dict_to_str(dico)
{'@b-a': 'True', '@b-b': 'False', '@auto-c': 'None', '@auto-d': "[{(18, 3.1): 'a'}, 'end']", '@f-e': '9.9'}
tools.helpers.config_manager.config_conversion.to_float(v, thousand_sep=None, decimal_sep=None)
tools.helpers.config_manager.config_conversion.to_list(v, sep=', ')
tools.helpers.config_manager.config_conversion.to_tuple(v, sep=', ')

tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict module

Dictionary-like classes used in configuration.

class tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.ConfigDict(dico=None, auto_cast=False, default_section=<object object>, section=<object object>)

Bases: tools.helpers.models.dict_models.BaseDict

ConfigDict class

>>> def_conf_d = ConfigDict({'a': {1: 5, 2: 6, 5: 7}, 2: {1: 8, 3: 9}, 'other': {1: 10, 4: 11}})
>>> conf_d = ConfigDict({'a': {1: 12, 2: 13, 6: 14}, 2: {1: 15}, 'other2': {1: 16, 4: 17}})
>>> conf_d.config
OrderedDict([('a', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 12), ('2', 13), ('6', 14)])), ('2', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 15)])), ('other2', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 16), ('4', 17)]))])
>>> conf_d.config = conf_d
>>> conf_d.config
OrderedDict([('a', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 12), ('2', 13), ('6', 14)])), ('2', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 15)])), ('other2', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 16), ('4', 17)]))])
>>> conf_d.config = def_conf_d
>>> conf_d.config
OrderedDict([('a', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 5), ('2', 6), ('5', 7)])), ('2', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 8), ('3', 9)])), ('other', SectionDict:
OrderedDict([('1', 10), ('4', 11)]))])

Converts the last argument into a valid section of ConfigDict.

add_section(section, section_dict=None, auto_cast=False, exist_ok=False, set_section=False) → None
append(other: Union[dict, ConfigDict]) → None
property config
property default_section
get(item: str, default=None)
get_section(section=None, set_section=False, add_section=False) → Optional[tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.SectionDict]

Get the ConfigDict section (SectionDict). If section is None, the default section is used.

  • section – section string

  • set_section – if True, set section

  • add_section – if True and section doesn’t exist, create it


SectionDict associated to section

property isempty
property isnone
merge(config_dict: Union[dict, ConfigDict], how='outer', how_section=None, inplace=False, deepcopy_right=True) → Optional[tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.ConfigDict]
static merge_config_dict(left_dict: tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.ConfigDict, right_dict: tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.ConfigDict, how='outer', how_section=None) → tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.ConfigDict

Modify left_dict inplace, updated with right_dict

property section
sections() → list
set_section(section=None, add_section=True) → None
to_str(write_flags=False) → str
update(other: Union[dict, ConfigDict]) → None
class tools.helpers.config_manager.config_dict.SectionDict(dico=None, auto_cast=False)

Bases: tools.helpers.models.dict_models.BaseDict

Dictionary-like class.


Converts the last argument into a valid key of SectionDict.

merge(section_dict, how='outer', inplace=False)
setdefault(k, default=None)

Converts the last argument into a valid key of SectionDict.


Converts the last argument into a valid section of ConfigDict.

tools.helpers.config_manager.config_models module

Configuration classes.

class tools.helpers.config_manager.config_models.Config(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: tools.helpers.config_manager.config_models._Config

Unique configuration (singleton)

tools.helpers.config_manager.simple_config module

Hard coded configuration (no configuration file)

class tools.helpers.config_manager.simple_config.SimpleConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: tools.helpers.config_manager.simple_config._SimpleConfig

Unique configuration (singleton)

Module contents

Configuration loaded from/saved to disk with INI syntax.

As the configuration is a singleton (the configuration class can only have a unique instance), it can be accessed by calling Config class directly. For example:

>>> CONFIG = Config()
>>> CONFIG2 = Config()
Configuration is 2-levels dictionary-like object, but its values can be accessed like a 1-level dictionary.


_____________| |______________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | |

config (ConfigDict) default_config (ConfigDict) temp_config (OrderedDict) path (Path) default_path (Path) other
| |
config (OrderedDict) default_section (default key of config) section (current key of config)


config (OrderedDict)

# Methods to get elements

## Get item: CONFIG[item]
  1. Search in the current section ‘section’ of the current config ‘config’ (loaded from disk) Equivalent 2-levels dictionary: CONFIG[section][item] On KeyError, continue to search:

  2. Search in the default section ‘default_section’ of the current config ‘config’ Equivalent 2-levels dictionary: CONFIG[default_section][item] On KeyError, continue to search:

  3. Search in the current section ‘section’ of the default config ‘default_config’ (hard coded) Equivalent 2-levels dictionary: CONFIG.default_config[section][item] On KeyError, continue to search:

  4. Search in the default section ‘default_section’ of the default config ‘default_config’ Equivalent 2-levels dictionary: CONFIG.default_config[default_section][item] On KeyError, raise KeyError

## Call: CONFIG(item) or CONFIG(section, item) or CONFIG(section, item, default) Possible cases:

  1. item is the only argument: CONFIG(item)

  2. item and default are the only arguments: CONFIG(item, default=default)
    1. search in default section of current configuration,

    2. search in default section of default configuration,

    3) a) raise KeyError 3) b) return default

  3. section is referenced: CONFIG(section, item) or CONFIG(item, section=section)

  4. section and default are referenced: CONFIG(section, item, default) or CONFIG(section, item, default=default) or CONFIG(item, section=section, default=default)

    1. search in current section of current configuration,

    2. search in default section of current configuration,

    3. search in current section of default configuration,

    4. search in default section of default configuration,

    5) c) raise KeyError 5) d) return default

# Initialization TODO

# Load/Save configuration TODO

class tools.helpers.config_manager.Config(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: tools.helpers.config_manager.config_models._Config

Unique configuration (singleton)